Who am I and why can I help you?

I, Bart te Nijenhuis, am a certified Precision Nutrition level 1&2 and Sleep, Stress & Recovery coach.

I was born in 1972 (you do the math 😉) in the Netherlands and have been living in Spain since 2005 where my 2 sons were born. Up until starting a full-time coaching career I had a normal, busy and stressful corporate job. If you want, you can check out my LinkedIn-profile below to find out more.

I have lived your struggles of too little time, lots of stress and not being in control of your life and health.
In the last decade I have gone through fantastic moments with the birth of my boys, but I also had to face depression and divorce. I have gone through the ups and downs of life just like (almost) everybody and I´m still learning every day.

My passions are people, health, reading, drinking seriously good coffee and enjoying an occasional glass of excellent whisky!
As you can tell from that sentence, I think health is about enjoying life with energy and a smile and about feeling connected to the people around you. It is not about limiting yourself to physical appearance as the only benchmark for health. Yes, it can and will be a pleasant side effect of the program, but health goes much further than the scale or the mirror.

Let me help you find what works best for YOU and help you find THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF!